do senior with style

“You change the world by being yourself.” - Yoko Ono

It's that time of the year (and your child's life, gulp)! Photographing Seniors is such a fun time. I make it chill, give lots of variety in posing and locations, and have no limits on outfit changes. No sneaky charges either. Once you pay the session fee, the portraits are all yours!

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Let's have some fun.

Man, Senior portraits have changed, haven't they? Whenever I visit my Mom, I still see my Senior picture up on the wall. Acne? Check. Awkward smile? Check. Draped curtain and ladder? ... Check. Now it's a new game, and in many ways improved. While I do still offer classic studio portraits, being outside is what is in. I've found the main benefit being just a sense of freedom, breathing air, and honestly not really even feeling the camera on you! I try to keep the session chill, with no restrictions on outfit changes or number of images included in the session fee! Reach out and let's get creative.